Hello! 👋🏻 , I am Qin Xiang!
I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Nanyang Technological University.
Aspiring Software Engineer.
I like to gym and eat.
Final Year Project
Developed the backend using C# .NET for a web application to be used by care centres, to facilitate the care of dementia patients.
Worked with a professor and a group of students on this project which spanned 2 semesters.
Jira, Confluence, and GitHub were used for collaboration.
Tech Stack: MSSQL, C# .NET, Razor Pages
Youtube Clone
This website supports signing in with Firebase Authentication, uploading, deleting, and viewing of videos.
Started this project to learn more about Google Cloud Products.
Utilised Google Cloud Storage, Cloud Run, Pub/Sub, and Firebase Functions.
Tech Stack: FireStore, Express.Js, Next.Js (with tsc), Node.Js
Functional Robotic System
Worked in a team to build an autonomous robotic system that can navigate a maze, avoid obstacles and recognise images.
Trained an object detection model with YOLOv5.
Built a Flask Server to manage image storage and processing.
Configured a Raspberry Pi to run Python scripts for communication with the Flask Server, an Android tablet, and the STM 32 microcontroller.
Robot successfully communicated with different systems, and correctly recognised images.